A protective presence and one angel

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Today I have an investigation in Placerville at a very quaint and beautiful home in Placerville. Riding up with me is HPI Paranormal Investigator/Sensitive Chantal Apodaca. Meeting us at the residence is HPI Paranormal Investigator/Psychic Jennifer Newell.

When we arrived at this home, the occupant Gretchen Mayerhofer greeted us with a smile. Shannon ‘Ms. Macabre’ McCabe sent us on this assignment. Shannon felt urgency towards this investigation, because there is a 3 year old child involved. Gretchen’s daughter named Taylor is playful, intelligent and loves to tell her stories of various encounters. Chantal, Jennifer and I, after talking with Taylor immediately thought that Taylor is sensitive to paranormal activity. Taylor explains to us that she has seen an angel named Kay-Leen. She describes Kay-Leen as having wings, long blonde curly hair situated in a way that there is also a ponytail. Taylor feels Kay-Leen watches over her.

Gretchen says that the activity in this home has been happening for 1 year. Jennifer walked through the house and felt dizzy in certain areas of the house. Jennifer also felt nauseated when walking in one of the rooms. Jennifer feels that there may be an entity that was once sick and is trying to communicate with Taylor. Before I go on with this article, I will allow Gretchen in her own words describe some of the events of this home and the apparent abilities of her daughter.

In Gretchen’s own words:

"My daughter Taylor was born in March of 2006 and to most of the people that met her felt she was far more alert and aware than any average baby. She could focus on objects and seemed to engage with people very soon after birth. She was very small at birth but tough and strong. By a week and a half she had figured out how to turn herself around in the crib by pushing with her legs and turning her upper body. She began talking at ten months with full sentences by 18 months. We were often stared at by others in the grocery store because we would be conversing as though she were a couple of years older. People were drawn to her by her personality and open and loving nature. While at Starbucks one day a man approached me and while looking at Taylor said something to the effect that she is special and asked that she is very aware of her surroundings. The way he said it didn’t give me the creeps, I didn’t think he was some kind of deviant, but rather someone who recognized her abilities.

My mother died when Taylor was seven months, at which time my friend came to stay with me to help care for Taylor for a week. A few days after my mom’s death I had asked my friend to take the baby monitor so I could take a tranquilizer and get some sleep. The next morning she asked why I had gotten up to play patty cake with Taylor in the middle of the night. I hadn’t. My friend had woken up to the sound of someone on the monitor singing patty cake to Taylor in her room. This was the first time I was aware that my mom may still be here with Taylor and myself.

About the time Taylor turned three she started becoming afraid of the “people” in her room. Not sure if it was her imagination I played along by telling her...."whoever it was to leave the room". I also took her to the dining room where all the family pictures hang. I pointed at various people and asked who they were. She would say grandpa, or aunty, or her cousin’s name. When I pointed to my mom’s picture she simply said., “She is nice Mommy.” I asked her what she meant and she said she sits on the bed with me and keeps me safe when the people in my room scare me. This really blew me away!! I think it was at that time I felt there was something special about Taylor with regards to sensing the unseen. This would go on and then nothing for a while then she would mention something again. About a month ago Taylor came into my room in the middle of the night very scared and upset telling me about the little girl in her room. Being older now she is more articulate and descriptive so the story she told me seemed much more real this time. I asked her what happened and she said the little girl with the blonde hair and ponytail woke her up by tickling her. She stood by the side of Taylor’s bed with her hands folded under her chin and stared at her. I asked Taylor if she thought she was dreaming and she insisted that she wasn’t. She said “no mommy, I blinked and she was still there and then I went under my covers and yelled for you. I asked what happened to her and she said when she came out from under the covers and I watched her disappear. Then she ran into my room terrified. She hasn’t wanted to really talk about it and is adamant about not wanting that little girl back in her room.

I have a 'sense of persona' when I encounter people. I am able to feel them out and know their character within a few minutes. I was not aware of what this gift was only that I knew what I was feeling was right. A gut reaction to people and situations. I have not always listened to this gut reaction which has lent me to believe in it more as the outcomes of some relationships and situations continues to prove it right. I am beginning to understand that this is an intuitive gift. I am very sensitive to other peoples' emotional states and can pick up on them when the other person is unaware they are letting on that something is bothering them. One such example is with my mom. She and I could be thousands of miles away and still know something is wrong. When I lived in a town four hours away she would just know as I would know things with her, such as when the other was not doing well. When she found out she had cancer I was on vacation in Yellowstone National Park. She was at home in California. Every day I was gone I had a sick feeling she was not okay, and that it was more than just a bit sick. I called every day begging her to tell me what was wrong with her and she would tell me she was fine, but I knew better. My daughter’s father was actually getting annoyed because I wouldn’t let it go and enjoy the vacation. When we returned she told me the truth, but somehow I already knew.

I also had a best friend in high school that after we moved away became involved with meth. One night I had a dream that she was freaking out with bugs crawling on her. I called her mom the next day to see if she was alright and her mother told me she had been locking herself in a room and doing meth to the point her nervous system was tweaking making her feel as though bugs were crawling on her. As a child and young adult I was unable to wear watches as they would always stop. I was told I demagnetized them. I am not sure if this is the same sensitivity that Taylor is experiencing but it could be I just turned them off or on.

In the investigation the name Mary came up to Jennifer. When asked if that name meant anything to me the only Mary I know is my mom’s mom whose name is Mary. My grandma and I are very close so I am not sure if that is just her energy here".


“While I was interviewing the occupant, Jennifer and Chantal proceeded with the investigation. In Jennifer’s own words with collaboration from Chantal, this is what the discovered: "Upon entering the home Chantal had a heavy crushing feeling in the room. When relaying this to the client, Gretchen relayed the same feeling and the personal weight and pressures she herself is going through. Chantal immediately picked up a motherly presence as a guarding angel (this brought Gretchen's to tears), helping the client to alleviate some of the pressure. When I arrived to the investigation, Chantal said that in the moment I entered the room the heaviness seemed to lighten. Gretchen told the investigators her mother had passed away four years ago, I knew immediately her mother’s death was from lung cancer, which the client confirmed later. I went with the client upstairs to look at Taylor’s room, where the most activity seems to occur. Upon reaching the top floor I felt dizzy and sick to my stomach. I could see Gretchen’s mother as she sat on the end of Taylor’s bed watching over her, in my mind’s eye. The investigators then took a break in the back yard and to see where Taylor had once seen an apparition. About 20 minutes later, I saw an elderly lady with a prominent chin and weathered face staring out the bathroom window of Taylor’s bedroom. I immediately rushed in the house and up the stairs to Taylor’s bathroom. Upon entering the bathroom, I was overcome with nausea and dizziness. Chantal and I decided to do an EVP session. During the session four EVPs were recorded and I could see Gretchen’s mother in a blue dress or shirt in my mind’s eye. When Chantal and I described the apparition seen in the window and the blue shirt to the client, Gretchen showed the investigators a picture of her mother on her death bed wearing her favorite blue pajamas, this is the person I saw in the window“. Note from Lead Investigator Paul: I listened to the EVPs that Chantal and Jennifer captured, one sounds like a chair moving and the other one was of a man’s voice saying…”nooooo”. Jennifer and I tried to recreate the chair moving sound and could not duplicate the EVP sound of a chair moving. Jennifer also mentioned to me that there is a big stuffed monkey in Taylor’s room and that the big stuffed monkey seemed to reposition itself. 4 EVPs were captured this night, the two I mentioned are the most significant. Chantal picked up on the name 'George' and Taylor said that her stuffed monkey is named George...George the Monkey'.

Horizontal moving orbs captured on film. 4 EVPs captured.

EVPs will be analyzed further. Orbs captured on still photos are inconclusive. Taylor’s story is consistent and since she is three years old, I have the tendency of believing her. Taylor did not know what her grandmother looked like and when seeing a random picture, she was able to take the photo and tell her mother that this was the woman that would visit her. I do believe there is some kind of activity in this home and if the client allows, another investigation will take place for confirmation. Most children up to the age of 8, have psychic type of abilities. Perhaps Taylor has these qualities and entities may be attracted to her, because they wish to communicate with her. As for Taylor seeing her grandmother, it’s probably because her grandmother is the ‘protective presence’ in her life. When we were investigating, Taylor told us that she did not detect any entities in the house, that they were hiding. One of the cute things that Taylor told us during the interview process is that Chantal had a guardian angel and I didn't have one. Confidential: Chantal Apodaca amazed me tonight, she was very detailed on three essential items that occurred in the occupant’s life and was dead on with the information. I cannot disclose what that information is, but Chantal was accurate.

I want to thank Gretchen for the large Round Table pizza and coffee!


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